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commercial insurance

A photo of a Justin Foa with a background of the NYC skyline during sunset.

Justin Foa: 2021 Year-in-Review Snapshot

The past year saw an extraordinarily hard insurance market, both nationally and locally.  On the national level, cyber liability, D&O liability, employment practices liability, property risks and excess liability have seen continued hardening.  Many industry watchers had forecasted that some increases would start to slow down in the second half…

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Artwork showing computer monitors displaying cybersecurity graphics.

Cyber Risk in the Manufacturing Industry: What You Need to Know

Cyber security continues to be of critical concern for the manufacturing industry in particular. According to the NTT Global Threat Intelligence Report for 2021, it is the second-most targeted industry, with only financial institutions seeing a higher frequency of cyber attacks. The same report reveals a staggering 300% increase in…

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A photo of a 2021 calendar with the months of October, November, and December circled and entitled 'Fourth Quarter Forecast'.

Commercial Insurance Market: Fourth Quarter Forecast

As many industry watchers have forecasted, the commercial insurance marketplace is now beginning to moderate. What does that mean? In short, smaller rate increases for most insurance—especially compared to the larger increases of the last couple of years. That isn’t to say that nobody is experiencing large increases. In many…

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A graphic entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food For Thought: Sustainability & Social Responsibility' and that includes a woman shopping in the frozen food section of a store.

Food for Thought: Sustainability & Social Responsibility

In the ninth episode of FOOD FOR THOUGHT, Foa & Son’s Michael Lieberman welcomed seafood industry thought leader and innovator, Richard Stavis for a discussion of sustainability and social responsibility in the seafood industry. “Sustainability used to be just about whether there was going to be enough fish,” Stavis recalled…

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A photo of workers on scaffolding silhouetted by a setting sun.

Producer Profile: Brian Murphy

For Foa & Son V.P. Brian Murphy, knowing that he is helping his clients protect their business is the most rewarding part of the job. His background, which includes hands-on experience as a construction project manager, gives Brian unique insight into his industry specializations: trade credit insurance and construction/commercial real…

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A graphic entitled 'Typical Lifecycle of your Property Claim'

Typical Lifecycle of a Property Claim

If your moderate to medium-sized business has sustained a property loss, waiting for the insurance claims process to complete can feel like forever. Timelines may differ between insurers or claims, and the process can go faster in some cases than in others. Waiting can be frustrating, but it can be…

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A graphic with a photo of Greg Reddock entitled 'Is your insurance company holding your dealership captive? Then think about a captive insurance company'

Captive Insurance: Greg Reddock’s Take

Is your insurance company holding your dealership captive? Greg Reddock can help! As a senior vice president at Foa & Son, Greg advises a diverse portfolio of clients on their risk management and insurance needs, including many prominent firms in automotive, real estate, construction, distribution, and manufacturing. In this infographic,…

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A graphic entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food For Thought: Supply Chain Disruption'

Food For Thought: Supply Chain Disruption With Greg Wank

In the wake of COVID-19, few industries were left unaffected. The Food & Beverage space is no exception. The global pandemic, and its impact on food and beverage supply chains, was the focus of discussion during a recent episode of Foa & Son Food & Beverage Practice Leader Michael Lieberman’s…

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A graphic with a photo of Pete Carrucciu entitled 'Real Estate Market Conditions Update'

Real Estate Market Conditions Report

Your exclusive Real Estate market conditions update is here! Pete Carruciu, Senior Vice President of our Real Estate and Construction Practice, has provided his forecast for the Habitational Downstate NY market. The outlook right now may seem disheartening. But with the right guidance, your company can and will weather the...
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A graphic with a photo looking down on a cargo ship and entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food for Thought: Container Loss & Prevention'

Food For Thought: Container Loss & Prevention With Michael Hird

“When the Covid pandemic started, I thought lots of bad things were going to happen,” said Michael Hird of WK Webster during a recent episode of FOOD FOR THOUGHT. “I didn’t actually think that containers were going to fall off ships as a result of Covid,” he continued. “But essentially…

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A graphic with a photo of a night time city skyline with an illustration portraying a network overlaid over top.

Resources For Your Industry

At Foa & Son, we pride ourselves on being true, trusted risk advisors. For 160 years, we have invested in developing and expanding our knowledge base specific to the industries that we represent. We also dedicate ourselves to providing expert guidance through good times and bad.  While we always prefer…

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A photo of Mervin McCormack and entitled '2021 P&C Market Forecast'

Exclusive P&C Market Forecast: 2021

Your exclusive P&C Market Forecast for 2021 is ready.  Wondering what to expect in the new year? Chief Marketing Officer Mervin McCormack has shared his insights in this helpful infographic.  He predicts that all P&C lines will see higher rates. Some of the lines leading the way on rate increases...
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A graphic with a photo of a food factory and entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food For Thought: Food Brands and Co-Man Risks'

Food for Thought Episode 3: Food Brands & Co-Man Risks

Food product entrepreneurs need to beware of the potential risks they face when partnering with co-manufacturers, co-packers and toll processors. One-third of food manufacturers don’t own their own plants. According to Melissa Facchina, CEO and founder of SIDDHI Operations, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based firm that provides operational and capital backing to...
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A photo of Michael Pearl and a background of specie.

Producer Spotlight: Michael Pearl

As the Precious Metals, Fine Art, Jewelry & Specie Practice Leader at Foa & Son, Michael Pearl prides himself on exceptional customer service. What's his secret? For Michael, applying specialized expertise helps create unique solutions for his clients.  After graduating from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor's degree in...
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A graphic of a hooded figure among software code and entitled 'Michael Lieberman's Food for Thought: Cyber Risk'

Food for Thought: Cyber Risk

A cyber attack targeting a food and beverage distribution business could shut down the entire operation, costing thousands of dollars in lost revenue. The recent hack of U.S. government agencies’ computer systems demonstrates that even the most fortified IT systems can be breached.  But food and beverage businesses that have...
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A graphic of bar charts indicating ratings across industries and entitled 'Section 1: Key Industry Ratings'

2020 Market Trends Report

Our exclusive Market Trends Report is here! This proprietary analysis provides exclusive ratings to help insurance buyers more fully understand the impact of market conditions on their insurance costs, terms, conditions and overall availability. Our report finds that insurance market volatility shows no sign of abating any time soon. With...
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A graphic of a macro photo of snowflakes and entitled '2020 Year in Review'

Foa & Son Pivots to Digital in 2020

Relationships are key to the insurance business. So when Covid-19 made in-person meetings rare, our team worked to maintain our commitment to our clients. Throughout the year, we found exciting ways to engage through the digital realm. At Foa & Son, we dedicate ourselves to providing expert guidance through good...
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